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Monday, August 28, 2006

developmental engineering

I am typing this little post with a heavy heart and a pair of equally heavy eyes. This has been a rough, unforgiving day; one that I dare not speak to myself again. For on this day, I receieved the result of my long assignment in Math 17(the greatest subject evah) and got a score of 38.5 out of 65, half a point below the passing grade. Such travesty, such tragedy. I will never, ever sleep peacefully again. Which is why I skipped doing my group's case study outline in Nasc5 so I can share to you all the great injustice that befell me.

You may now be wondering what the hell I'm doing in a Math 17 class when I'm so busy gloating on how profilific a writer I've been and that I have no time to mingle with numbers, or radicals or logarithms. To tell you honestly, I myself have no idea whatsoever. Back when I was filling up my UPCAT form, the only word I deliberately wrote was journalism. The rest were, in all writing glory, stream of conciousness. So there's no surprise that I was surprised when I was admitted in UPLB. But I was even more shocked with the course that accompanied the campus: CIVIL ENGINEERING DEMMET(I purposely wrote the 'demmet' beacuse that's how I want the course to be read; and when I become President of the country, I will permanently change the course's name into what I want it to be: a 'demmet' course). At first, I pushed through with it, anticipating the exciting(?) new challenges that await me. Little did I know the challenges that awaited me had 2x4s wrapped in barbed wire. After the petty, bloody, little beating I came to the realization that CED was not for me. And it sucked eggs. The problem now however, is the barbed wire coiled in the wooden planks that got a feel of what my body is like. Apparently its nasty barbs remained stuck in my heavenly skin, thus I have to take them off, lest they slide through my blood vessels and prick my heart.

So now, did that make any sense? Well, no. Then again, if only I had at least a little awareness back then, things would have been different. Way different.