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Friday, September 21, 2007


WARNING: Anti-femminist thougts ahead. Well, not quite. But I believe femme-fatales may find the following post as offensive and highly atrocious. So, kudos to them. hehe.


Women. No word can aptly define these mysterious figures. Yet, we men (note the homophone) find ourselves stuggling hard to have one of these in our possession, and eventually falling for them. Throughout history, we saw these "2nd-class citizens" contribute to the downfall of the greatest men to have ever lived. In the Bible, we saw the first man Adam fall out of grace when Eve partook of the forbidden fruit. Later in the Old Testament, Samson was stripped of his strength by Delilah, the same woman he divulged his secret to. Then, there were Julius Ceasar, Napoleon Bonaparte, and our very own Ferdinand Marcos whose downfall were brought by their female counterparts. These examples, as few as it may be, are practically enough to dismiss women as nothing more but dead weights that would drown men into the depths of the proverbial ocean. Still, these dead weights seem precious enough for men to kill for.

They say behind every great man is a woman. True enough, the names I have mentioned above indeed had a woman to call their own. Perhaps, these females had the face that can launch a thousand ships or the body that can cower even the most steadfast of soldiers or the resources that can buy the entire planet. Whatever the case, Julius fell for Cleopatra, Napoleon stumbled for Joesephine then Marie Louise, and Ferdie flinched for Imelda.

On the sea, it is foolish to bring along objects of considerable weight, lest we sink to our agonizing demise. But, what exactly eggs us to bring them anyway? We can say anything we want to say of the opposite sex but the fact remains; if we don't want them in our lives, we should have settled for those of the same sex. Whatever that x-factor is, men always fall head over heels for women. and when they do, no tomorrow exists.

In the beginning, there was only Adam. In his solitude, God took a rib from the first man and created Eve. And Adam became happy.

I guess present happiness is way better that future consequences. And on that proverbial ocean, more men come with anvils tied to their waists instead of multi-colored salbabidas.


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