My Holiday Wishlist: Yuletide Sentiments
NOTE: Jiraiya's gone. Reading the latest chapter of the Naruto manga is enough motivation for me to post up this highly sentimental entry. Enjoy.
Everyone desires presents, even those who have no penchant for material luxuries like myself. For me, the thought alone will make my holiday. Of course, I do have my so-called wishlist to reference at, but it's not your every-Christmas day wishlist we are accustomed to seeing days before the obligatory Christmas party (not sans the equally obligatory exchange gifts). Ladies and gentlebeings, this is more of a 'miss' list.
I miss the good old days when studying was not at all mandatory and the free time was used to bond with friends, not in study groups.
I miss how Francis, Benzon and myself would just hang out in the wee hours of the morning and talk about Gubound among other things.
I miss how us boys would leave the classroom for luch in gleeful unison, then invade the school cafeteria, and how we left the establishment in a controlled chaos only the F4 boys are capable of.
I miss how Patit would just talk endlessly about how her day began and ended, on how her crush gave her the goosepimples and how the world is so unfair to her.
I miss how Vani would cut some pieces of paper, flavor it with her unique flair and scribble 'Gift ko sa'yo!' on them then give it out to her delighted classmates.
I miss Lovely and I for a fact believe that the world would've been a better place had she stayed here in the Philippines.
This list may or may not be finished. Whatever the case, it would be perfect if eveything on this list will be granted. Hey, my Christmas wishlist has no world peace in it so hopefully, they will all come true.
At least for just one December 25. Or 26. Or 27. Or whatever date Vani & Lovely could come up with.
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