APC stands for Alexander P. Castro
November 29, 2007. The entire nation was again shook up by that one name who never fails to stir up an upheaval, a despearate attempt to unseat President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Again, Lieutenant Senior Grade Antonio Trillanes gathered his military comrades, marched to another hotel (this time Manila pen), imprisoned himself and his subordiantes in rebellious grandeur and attracted the ire of his fellow countrymen, especially those of the unwary civilians and dedicated (albeit hasty) mediamen who were trapped inside the establishment, forced to referee the battle between the police outside and the military rebels who were just upstairs. And once again, his insurrection against the government ended with the beleaguered senator waving the white flag. Annoyingly enough, he blamed his own countrymen, the same people who voted him to take public office, for his failure saying that they disrespected his endeavors, his actions. Pfft.
And November 29 was suppposed to be "someone's" special day. At least that gargantuan APC did make my day (it rammed itself through Manila Pen's doors for crying out loud).
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