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Friday, June 30, 2006

Secrets to Superb Sex(repost)

NOTE: Remember what I noted in my post titled "Life's Lessons" that I will refrain from posting anymore "obcene" topics? Well guess what..

I lied.

So here it is, the highly controversial article in all its disgusting, immoral, kadiri-to-death glory.



The Philippines.

The year is 2006. The 6th year of the 3rd millenium. An age of cutting-edge and highly innovative technology. An era of non-stereotypes, of unbound ideas, of fluctuating principles; a haven for the enthusiastic youth. And more importantly, a generation void of teenage virgins. Yes, pre-marital sex is the "in" thing nowadays. Everyone is doing it to be "cool" and to look "mature." So if you haven't done it, to paraphrase WWE superstar Carlito, you're "not cool." You're stuck in your hopeless childhood grinding your teeth in envy of your friends who already slept with someone for the nth time. Suddenly, you dump the noble, yet conservative principle of "sex can wait" just to enjoy the pleasure of sex and be among people you look up to for engaging in such act. You get desperate. Feeling the circulation of your hormones going berserk, you flash a meaningful look at the person you are with (who could be your bf/gf if you're fortunate enough). You stare at the same glance you receive from your partner. Then you find yourself in a trance. This is it. Your time is now. Still you are hesitant. What if you screw it up? What if your only chance to "get it on" vanishes into thin air? Or what if for some insane reason you feel this is not right? Ahh, this is where this article comes in, to erase all your doubts and fears, to be successful in bed, “to sex the right way”. If you feel you can't do this, if you are losing your confidence in the face of your partner who looks mighty fine by the way, then read on to unravel the SECRETS TO SUPERB SEX.

*cue villainous music here*

So you find yourself lying in bed with someone of the opposite sex(I hope) and since it's your first time you don't know what to do. As you look at the hazel brown eyes of your lover, keep in mind these simple steps to experience superb sex:

1. Know your role and do what you have to do as efficiently as you can. If you're a man and you have by chance, an "experienced" woman with you, still try to be dominant. Don't let her do all the work. Be in charge. If you're a woman in the midst of a first-timer man like yourself, then give yourself openly. If you feel like your man is lacking on something, then initiate it yourself so that your partner will realize what you want.

2. Don't force the situation. If neither of you does not feel that certain something, then let it be and hope that tomorrow night it will be different.

3. Know your partner's weak spots and go for it. This will result in a reflex that the both of you will enjoy all night(or day, or afternoon) long. And finally;

4. The most important step of all, before doing "it" think for a while. Ponder on what you are about to do. If you are a man, think of what your girlfriend will become after your "session" and you have gone your separate ways. So you don't believe in morality and religion but at least have a compassionate and understanding perspective of your partner. If you are a woman, think of what you're putting yourself into, if you are going to regret the end result of your actions. Yeah sure, you only did it for love but are you sure your partner loves you at all? Find your peace, have a discussion with your bf/gf and weigh the pros and cons. Then if you get married do steps 1-3 as intense as you can.

Yes, sex is one exciting roller coaster ride. The experience is truly exhilarating and one that you may want to do over and over again. But, at the age that we are in, sex is something that we have to wait for until we are old enough to settle down. Because outside marriage, sex is a nightmare that will haunt you in your sleep, even when you get married and until you die. But when in the confines of holy matrimony, sex is a gift, a utopia, a paradise of love that you can share with your partner alone. And that's one of the greatest blessing endowed on us in marriage. So, if you feel left out for not doing "it," then rejoice. At least after the wedding, steps 1-3 can be done with more regularity and less fear, if you and your partner want it.

*cue any of enya's songs here*


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