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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

practice makes perfect?

JUST A THOUGHT: It's ironic that while God is an omniscient, eternal and perfect entity His most beautiful creation in this earth are the imperfect humans- us. It's rather strange for someone that's so powerful, unblemished and free from sin to love someone that's sinful, weak and stubborn. In fact, He had gone to the extent of giving up His only begotten Son to save us all. T guess what this beautiful fact implies is that despite our shortcomings and weaknesses and sins, we are still special in God's eyes, even if others think otherwise.

It is very rewarding to know that among the innumerable living things in this world, us humans are the only ones gifted with exceptional knowledge and incredible abilities. Because of our superiority, we have been dubbed as the stewards of all of God's creations. We fulfill our task by utilizing our talents. Of course, since we are made imperfect, there are times when our talents are not enough to accomplish our goals. So in order to improve our work, we need to improve our talents.And that's when practicing comes in to play.

Practice is defined in by Webster as "to perform an act or exercise a skill repeatedly in order to achieve greater command." There are other definitions about this word but in general, we practice so that we can better our skills and God-given attributes. To be a good basketball player, you need to practice playing constantly. Because of our thirst to keep getting better, we practice everyday so that we will keep improving day by day. Many people who are passionate about their favorite skill pracrices night and day not only to get better but to be the best. This struggle to be the greatest gave birth to the phrase "practice makes perfect." It's simple you keep practicing everytime and you keep improving. But, if you think about it, if we keep practicing we get better than what we are previously. So even if you are the best basketball player in the world but you still think you can do better and that's why you practice, you will get even better and better and better and better. You may be asking me now what's the point of all these hulabaloo I'm yapping about. Well, no matter how hard we practice, we can never get perfect. SO if you are already the best basketball player and you still practice, you still aren't the perfect player. 'Cause if you are, you cannot miss your shots. Come on, nobody's perfect so why practice?

It's because of that phrase that has given the people the misconception about practtice. Probably because people are so crazy about becoming the best that's why they practice so hard. But if we look at the definition of practice again we learn that we can only get better by pracricing. We can never be perfect. If this falacy of practice is true, then teher will be many people who will be like God.

Bottomline: if the only reason you practice is because of what the title of this cr*ap implies, then you are just fooling yourself. And besides, if God wants us to be perfect, He could have done it when He first created man.

And thank God He is the only one perfect. 'Cause if He isn't, who knows what will happen to this world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Alex! I thnk it's great that you're sharing your creative insights with us. When I was your age, I was too shy and too self-conscious to even mention to anybody my innermost thoughts on any given subject. I found them too personal or perhaps I didn't want others to know who I really was (I didn't even know who I really was!) or I thought maybe they really didn't give a shit about my opinion on anything. In any case, you don't have that problem which is good so I can share my thoughts on this particular posting (I guess I'm not as shy as I used to be). I hope you don't mind. I know I wish someone told me these things when I was younger.

You say "while God is an omniscient, eternal and perfect entity His most beautiful creation in this earth are the imperfect humans- us."

But if God is perfect then anything he creates must be perfect as well. It's only logical. But if you say we're not perfect, it follows logically that God is not perfect either. Which is right? I prefer the former - God and we are perfect. Otherwise, why would he create something defective on purpose? To watch it suffer? That would be rather sadistic, don't you think? Why would one think God does not want us to be perfect? Would he be threatened by his creations' perfection? That does not sound like someone who's perfect to me. No, I think he got it right in the first place. I believe that one of our goals in life is to realize our perfection.

If we come from a perfect divinity, then each of us contains this divine aspect. The bible even says, "The kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21). I believe it is our responsibility to realize this divine within us, this 'kingdom of God'. I liken this divine essence to the sun. The sun is always present even when we don't see it - when it's cloudy, rainy or simply because it's night time. We don't see it but we know it's there. It's irrefutable. It's simply there. Likewise, even the seemingly "unworthy" amongst us - the criminals, the "stupid", the "ugly" - they too have the sun, the 'kingdom of God' within.

I can't bellieve God wants us to think he's the only one perfect. He's much bigger than that. I thnk the opposite. He would rejoice in our realization of our perfection because we are of him - who is pure, who is perfect. If we consider each other as an aspect of God, then we'll treat each other with more respect, kindness and compassion. If we see each other with God's eyes, the world would be a much better place.

In joyous perfection,
Des (your other favourite aunt, I hope)

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